I think that is the question I asked myself recently and that is why I am so focused on transformation. I thought about "Who I am becoming?" and I realized I liked the answer.
Who I am becoming- Who I realize myself to be is a person intimately connected to people and earth. What I do, What I say and What I dream are engaged with my faith in the divine which dwells among us on earth.
This mantra of mine has led to significant changes in what I eat, what I wear, how I raise my children, how I engage with my partner, how I work, study, volunteer.
And it means I have to take a long look at the places in my life that are unhealthy. This is where the biggest transformation occurs. It is quite easy to do the things I have always found life affirming. It is another thing to realize there are areas of my life that are unhealthy. I carry beliefs that are soul defeating, or I engage in habits that are harmful to my body. A while back I wrote about Compost, and I began to note what I can change to promote life, what are the "raw" or tender parts of my being that I can use to transform.
So I decided to take on a project, which is aptly named Project Transformation. I want to examine more critically my food intake, and my health/weight. Over the past 3 years I have gained a significant amount of weight and that has affected my mood, health and ability to be the person I want to be. I want my food choices to affirm my connection to earth and at the same time help me become a more physically healthy person. As I look over the landscape of this year (the schedule and responsibilities I have) I am afraid that I will easily fall back into old habits (my usual stress response). I will need to rely on my community for support.
Today begins step one: Careful examination of current habits, and plan for positive change.
Engaged with my garden, my Rodale Basic Natural Foods Cookbook, my local Whole Foods, my beautiful children, my fabulous partner, and my beloved community, Let the transformation begin.